Friday 1 June 2007

Baaaaaaaaaa Football

Hi folks just thought I would pop in a small post while hubby watches the football (wake me when its done snooozzeeee).
I received a new toy yesterday in the form of a new Makins clay extruder , yipeeeeee this means no more strain on the hands trying to squeeze out a tiny amount of poly clay.
I am going to have a go at a quilt cane that I have been looking at and the extruder will help it along no end.
So short and sweet have a great weekend.


Kara said...

poor poor col, he gets very few pleasures LOL.
oh a new toy and you didn't tell me.

Beverley Wainwright said...

OOOOH an extruder!!! Well you know small things please small minds LOL!!!!!
Only yoking egghead!!
Love ya and bless the very lovely Colin - he deserves som football time!!
